Best Way to Remove Bacteria from Your Tap Water

Why RO water purifiers best for drinking water ?
RO water purifiers remove heavy metals, chemicals like iron, lead, mercury, arsenic, chlorine, fluoride and make your drinking water 100% unadulterated for consumption.

Is it possible to remove bacteria from tap water?
Tap water is used for all household activities as well as for personal hygiene. You use this tap water for brushing your teeth, taking bath, and washing hands without realizing that the tap water you are using is full of bacteria. Let us see common practices used to remove bacteria from tap water:

Boiling water is the most common method to remove bacteria. It removes bacteria and kills all other pathogens. But you can’t assure 100% purity. And also boring water sounds good for drinking purposes, but for other household activities, this is not practical.

Natural UV rays
Ultraviolet rays kill the bacteria and pathogens in the water. Keeping water under the sun is not a practical solution. It may invite insects and other contamination.

Filtration is a great way to purify your drinking water but not applicable for household activities.

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